AlomWare Toolbox Beta


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Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
AlomWare Toolbox to przenośne, kompleksowe oprogramowanie typu „wszystko w jednym” opracowane przez AlomWare, które oferuje wiele przydatnych narzędzi dla użytkowników systemu Windows. Jego głównym celem jest zapewnienie użytkownikom kompleksowego rozwiązania do różnych zadań, oszczędzając im czas i zwiększając ich produktywność. Aplikacja zawiera ponad 50 różnych narzędzi, które zaspokoją szeroki zakres potrzeb.

Wśród nich są np:
  • Menedżer schowka: umożliwia użytkownikom zarządzanie historią schowka, ułatwiając dostęp i ponowne wykorzystanie wcześniej skopiowanych elementów
  • Narzędzia plików: Umożliwia użytkownikom grupową zmianę nazw plików, kopiowanie ścieżek plików i wykonywanie innych operacji związanych z plikami
  • Narzędzia czasu: zawiera stoper, minutnik i zegar światowy
  • Narzędzia sieciowe: Zawiera narzędzie ping i narzędzie do skanowania otwartych portów w sieci
  • Narzędzia systemowe: zawiera analizator przestrzeni dyskowej, menedżera procesów i przeglądarkę informacji systemowych
  • Narzędzia tekstowe: Zawiera narzędzie do konwersji tekstu na wielkie lub małe litery, narzędzie do usuwania pustych wierszy z tekstu oraz narzędzie do sortowania wierszy tekstu




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Wersja beta: bezpłatne codzienne użytkowanie $0

W okresie Beta, AlomWare Toolbox zawsze działa całkowicie za darmo, gdy wprowadzisz
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w aplikacji, aż do północy tego dnia lub wyjdziesz z niej. Po północy po prostu wprowadź kolejny kod odblokowujący, aby uzyskać kolejny dzień bezpłatnego użytkowania. Tak długo, jak będziesz zadowolony z wprowadzania kodu odblokowującego codziennie lub przy każdym uruchomieniu, Beta będzie dla Ciebie w 100% darmowa. Uwaga: Ta bezpłatna opcja nie obejmuje pomocy technicznej.

Chociaż AlomWare Toolbox jest w wersji Beta, możesz przekazać opcjonalną jednorazową darowiznę w ramach crowdfundingu, aby wesprzeć jego rozwój. Podziękujemy Ci DOŻYWOTNI kod odblokowujący dla twojego komputera. Po prostu prześlij nam e-mailem
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po przekazaniu
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. więcej nie będziesz Nigdy musiał wpisywać kodu odblokowującego, nawet jeśli aplikacja opuści wersję beta! Dziękujemy za hojną pomoc finansową w doprowadzeniu aplikacji do skutku.


Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

AlomWare Toolbox 0.998 Beta

| v0.998 Beta (10 Jun 2023) |

Bug fix: Some internal code that needed extra checks. Nothing damaging; just some better error-checking.

Reversion: Due to negative feedback, the system tray icon now shows all the time again. Just remember that it won't respond while the app has a open dialog/message/window waiting for your input.

Enhancement: When filtering the clipboard, notes, and screenshots lists and only one match is found, that item is now auto-selected for immediate viewing.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

AlomWare Toolbox 0.999a Beta

| v0.999a Beta (22 Jul 2023) |

Bug fix: For setting a saved window back to open how the OS determines.

Bug fix: Syntax coloring in action step descriptions is now present again.

Bug fix: The dock now shows correctly with multiple monitors due to supporting the "Use only the main monitor" setting in the app.

Bug fix: The "Window\Save to desktop as an image" default action had a renamed step that was overlooked, and is now corrected.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

AlomWare Toolbox 0.999d Beta

| v0.999d Beta (27 Aug 2023) |

Update: The Help manual has been updated with some further information, but is still nowhere near complete.

Bug fix: For the "String: Assign from date" step, and now allows 0 to be specified for today.

Bug fix: For the "Window: Close" step.

Change: The "Window: Add border" step has been renamed to "Window: Border", and is now used with Win32 exe windows (not Win10+ app windows) to add, remove, or toggle the border of the assigned window.

Change with enhancement: Saving a window state, and using the "Opening windows states" list, now has the app/exe name of saved windows shown for better identification of each window in the list. Unfortunately, this means all your old saved window states (but not PC states) won't work anymore, so you'll need to re-create and re-save them. We apologize for this inconvenience.

New step: "String: Assign from clipboard history", which assigns the string from the text found in AlomWare Toolbox's clipboard history (in the Clipboard tab). Specify the history index number from 0 to 99; with 0 being the top session item, 1 being the most recent cut or copied text, 2 being the second most recent cut or copied text, etc.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

AlomWare Toolbox 0.999f Beta​

September 30, 2023
  • Change: Due to being a portable app, the "Run at startup/login" setting is no longer automatically set to "Limited" by default; the user must now manually choose to set an auto-start type. This is so users who delete the app won't have a residual shortcut to it in the Windows OS "Startup" folder.
  • Change: Swapped all "Hotkey" references to "Trigger" instead, as actions can be triggered by their names and not just hotkeys. This also allows additional trigger types to be considered in future.
  • Change: The app's dialog boxes that ask for input will no longer auto-select all the default text, to reduce the risk of data loss if a user starts typing over the text.
  • Bug fix: Fixed a scaling issue when the Windows OS DPI was set to a non-standard value (such as 140% DPI), which resulted in cropped text in the initial startup box.
  • Bug fix: When using the Power menu on a folder, the menu would open slowly if the clipboard had large text in it.
  • Bug fix: The "Opening Window States" window no longer incorrectly shows two closing brackets in its list; and it's height now matches the main window height so you can see more items in the list.
  • Bug fix: The Power menu items for folders called "New folder -> From a plain text file list of names" and "New folder -> From the clipboard" will now only use a maximum of 100 characters for each new folder name.
  • Bug fix: When action steps are in the clipboard and you select the "New action -> Blank" menu item, the new action no longer has the copied action in it (it now starts blank as expected).
  • Enhancement: Reworked the auto-typing and auto-expanding code, so that you can trigger actions with more text characters instead of mainly letters and numbers.
  • Privacy addition: For better privacy, you can now specify full or partial names of apps where cutting or copying text in them are NOT saved to Toolbox's history list (such as when copying passwords from password apps).
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

AlomWare Toolbox 0.999g Beta

v0.999g Beta (7 Oct 2023) |

Bug fix: The "Keyboard: Re-type the last typed line" step is now working again after being accidentally broken in the last beta. Sorry! :(

Bug fix: The "Computer: Show only windows with" step no longer minimizes the Work Overview window, thumbnailed windows, or rolled-up windows.

Bug fix: When restoring a PC state with just "Restore layouts of listed items" set, it didn't work unless "Relaunch listed items" was also set. Now it works without relaunching them (and assuming they're already launched).

Bug fix: Scrolling the font preview with the mouse wheel now works correctly when Toolbox doesn't have the focus; and the right-click menu for it now has "Reset to default text/size" always enabled.

Change: When using the clean slate or PC state restoration functions, any open Toolbox windows will no longer close as part of those functions (they are exempt).

Change: Renamed the step "Computer: Show windows with" to "Computer: Show only windows with", to more accurately describe what it does.

Change: The Power menu option for hiding/showing a window's taskbar button is now disabled for Win 10+ app windows, as their buttons cannot be removed.

Change: Added a note to the "Window: Border" and "Window: Taskbar button" steps that explain they only work with Win32 exe windows, and not Win 10+ app windows.

Enhancement: The color scheme used by the app is now saved in its own settings file ("Toolbox Colors.ini") for easy sharing with others without sharing your other app settings.

Enhancement: The Power menu's "Properties" sub-menu and the "Desktop zoom" list now shows the unique ID for the window being referenced, for use with automated actions.

Enhancement: The file rename mod list has "Numbered" changed to "Numbered up from #", to specify a starting number for numerical names that increase in value.

Enhancement: The file rename mod list has a new mod called "Numbered down from #", to specify a starting number for numerical names that decrease in value.

Enhancement: New Power menu option for opening window states: "Don't activate (give focus to the desktop)", so you can set an opening window to not take the focus.

Enhancement: Pressing F1 on the file rename mod list now shows more help about how you can specify "old$", "clip$", "date$", and "time$" for the script items.

Addition: New PC tweak called "Center mouse on new window when Alt+Tab is released" so that the mouse follows you to the new window that gets activated.

Privacy addition: New setting as to whether the last-used folder on your PC is remembered (for re-opening with the "Folder: Re-open last used" step).
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

AlomWare Toolbox 1.00​

November 1, 2023
  • GOLD RELEASE! Due to the final bugs below being ironed out, we are proud to declare v1.00 as officially released. :) Thank you for using AlomWare Toolbox!
  • LICENSE CHANGES: The license system has changed starting with this version in two ways: (1) The app is now licensed solely for private home use only, with any other use requiring a different license and payment (contact us for details). (2) Licenses are now based on your PayPal email address and PayPal account details that you used to pay for an unlock code. This means you can now enjoy the app on any PC that you personally own, and you won't need to deal with hardware PC IDs anymore. Sharing your unlock code with others is against the terms in the End-User License Agreement and doing so will cause it to be immediately and permanently banned in future versions of the app, along with legal action being taken for piracy. Thank you for respecting our hard work and playing fair.
  • Change: Due to the license changes above, the "Toolbox Licenses" folder in AlomWare Toolbox's folder can now be deleted if you're not using older versions of the app.
  • Change: Per multiple user feedback, the default setting for rolling up a window to its title bar is now to make the rolled title be the same width as the rolled window.
  • Change: Per multiple user feedback, the "Log: Add text" step will no longer show the action name in a box first, and neither show a confirmation "End" message in a box.
  • Bug fix: Including the mouse pointer in tutorial screenshots will now always show the arrow pointer (instead of sometimes incorrectly as the busy pointer).
  • Bug fix: The unique ID for the window being referenced in the "Desktop zoom" list is now correct (it shows the main window and not its hovered child elements).
  • Bug fix: If auto-typing fails after heavy CPU use (due to the OS disabling it), then hiding or showing Toolbox's window will now reset it to start working again.
  • Bug fix: Holding down the Ctrl key when rolling down a rolled-up window (to close it) will no longer briefly flash the rolled window back into view.
  • Bug fix: When loading file search settings that relate to dates, the date was shown in the selector but not used internally, leading to incorrect date searches.
  • Bug fix: File searching by size is now correct when "#kb", "#mb", "#gb" or "#tb" is specified. (Specifying an exact byte size was always correct).
  • Enhancement: File searches have been optimized in a few areas so that matching results appear faster than in previous versions.
  • Enhancement: File searches now have "before" and "after" date selections, so you can find files before or after a specified date.
  • Enhancement: Rolling a window up to its title bar now takes invisible borders into account, so the rolled title bar edges match the real rolled window's edges.
  • Enhancement: Making a tutorial screenshot image now has a 5-pixel gap between each tutorial panel for better legibility; and the blur behind each panel's text is a bit larger.
  • Enhancement: There is now a Setting to use a slightly bigger font size for the app. Further, all input prompts (like when being asked for a list filter) will now use this bigger font as standard.
  • Enhancement: Status bar info messages (where "Ready" is normally seen) now has tooltips for the text, so you can hover over it to see long messages that might not be fully visible in the status bar.
  • Enhancement: New setting where the app's dialog boxes that ask for text can now either select all existing by default, or jump to the end of the text by default.
  • Enhancement: Entering commands in the Log tab can now be done anywhere in the log box, instead of only on the last line of it. Results go to the end of the log, though.
  • Enhancement: Pressing F11 on the app's main window will now toggle maximized mode (like full-screen) for it.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

AlomWare Toolbox 1.01​

===== v1.01 (3 Nov 2023) =====

Due to the v1.00 release, we've had some fresh new feedback and bug reports from users who weren't using the Beta versions. Thankfully, they weren't show-stopper bugs! They are as follows:

Change: The "Properties windows should always open centered" setting is now disabled by default, as it might cause issues on multi-monitor settings when the "Use only the main monitor for window/notification positions" setting is disabled.

Change: The "Use only the main monitor for window/notification positions" setting is now enabled by default, so as not to cause concern for users with multiple monitors. Such users can always disable this and test the results with their particular monitor layouts.

Bug fix: The Productivity Score window had incorrect formatting, and now shows all items correctly. This was due to whether the setting for the normal or larger font for the app was enabled.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

AlomWare Toolbox 1.02

===== v1.02 (14 Nov 2023) =====

Removed: Due to negative user feedback, the email address in the title bar for paid users is no longer shown.

Removed: The Setting to use the app in Classic Windows theme, as it doesn't work anymore with all item types.

Bug fix: Some opening window states would not show the keys, DOS command, or action that was saved with them.

Update: The "Check AlomWare Toolbox version" default action has been updated (broke when our website changed).

Update: Lots of minor cosmetic text changes and app formatting fixes for users with non-standard OS DPI settings.

Update: The "Wait: For action hotkey to be released" step now waits for all hotkeys (some were left out by mistake).

Update: Due to DPI issues, the ruler now shows the position of the mouse via a tooltip, instead of on the ruler itself.

Update: The "Alert: Ask for two texts" step window now uses a larger font, in line with matching the other alert boxes.

Update: The clipboard history function has been updated to use more modern Windows API code, in order to be more reliable.

Update: Including the mouse pointer in tutorial screenshots will now show it in yellow, to stand out from the grayscale background.

Addition: New default actions called "Window\Size decrease by 20%" and "Window\Size increase by 20%", which you can set hotkeys to, for easily changing the size of the current window without using the mouse.

Addition: The "Misc -> Desktop zoom" tab now has mouse X/Y offset fields (-99 to 99 for each), so you can zoom under the mouse by those pixel amounts. Handy for items that disappear when the mouse isn't over them (like tooltips).

Addition: Window zones! You can now use the Power menu on any window to create a named zone for that window's position and size. You can then move any window into that zone from the Power menu, or use the "Window: Move to desktop position" step to do it.

Enhancement: The "Window: Move to desktop position" step now accepts a window zone name to move the assigned window into that zone. You can use this step with either a hotkey, or as part of an action (such as to move a bunch of windows into zones).

Enhancement: The "Image: Show at desktop position" step now accepts a window zone name to move the image window into that zone. You can use this step with either a hotkey, or as part of an action (such as to move a bunch of windows into zones).

Enhancement: If you don't want a saved window opening state to be applied when such a window is opening, just hold down the Ctrl key when opening that window, and the window state will be ignored for that launch.

Enhancement: The "Opening state" prompt for saving or editing your window opening positions now uses a larger font; plus the "Delay is needed" option is now obsolete as the app takes slower apps into account.

Enhancement: The Desktop Zoom tab now shows the value of the selected stat item in the window's status bar in real-time, so you can see longer text in their entirety and not be hidden by the stats column width.

Enhancement: When holding down the Ctrl key and clicking the app's system tray icon, the window is shown centered on the desktop (as before), but now also resizes itself to its default layout size. Also, the on-top status of the window won't be saved when using this option as it causes confusion at the next launch. The on-top state is now only saved when the user specifically clicks the "pin" button at the top-right of the window.

Maintenance updates: Several miscellaneous internal bug fixes and code optimisations, and some minor instruction manual updates.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

AlomWare Toolbox 1.03

===== v1.03 (19 Nov 2023) =====

Reversion: Reinstated the "Delay is needed" option for opening window states that was removed in v1.02, as it broke the default window opening settings.

Change: The Microsoft Office dock default actions have been renamed to remove the "+" at the end, so they don't open with the default Dock anymore.

Enhancement: Added "Item (Hex)" and "Item (hWnd)" to the desktop zoom stats list, to see window handle information for the item under the mouse.

Maintenance updates: Several internal bug fixes and code optimisations.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

AlomWare Toolbox 1.04

===== v1.04 (1 Dec 2023) =====

Quick bug fix: Stopped this Change Log from being shown with each launch. Oops! :(

Enhancement: Pressing F1 on the Command Box now has better Help on how to use its commands.

Enhancement: Pressing F6 will now toggle between the Command Box and the previously-selected item (instead of always just going directly to the Command Box).

Enhancement: The Command Box's information box (to its right) now adds "chars" to the end when showing the number of characters, to avoid confusion when showing a calc result.

Enhancement: Re-did the keyword text-expansion code from scratch, to properly detect non-US keyboard layouts such as the United Kingdom, etc.

Enhancement: The "Window: Activate" and "Window: Assign and wait to activate" steps now activate the assigned window in a more reliable way.

Enhancement: The "Window: Assign active" step will now work with windows that don't have an actual title set at startup (such as "KMPlayer").

Enhancement: If a PC state closes all apps and windows, there are now four "close" circles shown at the top-left of its icon, to visually remind you of the closure.

Enhancement: If a PC state has no options set, there is now a question mark shown at the top-left of its icon, to visually remind you that it will do nothing.

Enhancement: Selecting a PC state now shows what it does (in summary version) in the app's status bar, so you don't need to select "Edit" to see its restore options.

Enhancement: The window opening state function now ignores asterisks in the title (such as "*Untitled - Notepad") so the window is always matched despite being edited or not.

Enhancement: Holding down the Shift key when selecting "Always on top" from the Power menu on a standard window (not Win 10+ app window) now keeps that window always visible on the desktop as well.

Addition: New step called "Toolbox: Enable clipboard history", that lets you enable or disable AlomWare Toolbox from remembering your cut/copied text and images.

Addition: New default action called "Computer\Clipboard history toggle", which lets you toggle AlomWare Toolbox's clipboard history function on or off.

Maintenance updates: Several internal bug fixes and code optimisations.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

AlomWare Toolbox 2.00​

===== v2.00.00 (17 Jan 2024) =====

HAPPY NEW YEAR! :) This is a massive update with some powerful new features and enhancements. Enjoy!

App change: The app ("Toolbox.exe") now reads a separate support file when at startup called "Toolbox.sys", which holds compressed and encrypted data that was previously embedded in "Toolbox.exe". However, this unfortunately meant that "Toolbox.exe" needed regular white-listing with anti-virus vendors with each new update, so moving this data into its own file means "Toolbox.exe" itself doesn't need as many updates in future (we only need to update "Toolbox.sys" instead).

Bug fix: For PC state restorations, some Win 10+ app windows wouldn't show themselves when restoring (such as the Clock app). Also, the keystrokes parameter now also works when "Restore layout of listed items" isn't ticked.

Bug fix: If the "Computer: Sleep permitted" step was set to "0" to deny sleeping, then the "Computer: Sleep" step would still sleep the PC anyway. Now it won't when "0" is set.

Preventative bug fix: The watched items list in the Files tab now has a maximum limit of 9999 rolling items to be shown, in order to prevent the app crashing if watching is never stopped.

Major change: Actions that are triggered by typing the action name have changed. The action name can now be anything, but the trigger type is now "Type" with the desired text to type.

Change: The "Keyboard: Clear action name" step has been renamed to "Keyboard: Clear trigger typing" per the major change above. Your existing actions will auto-correct to use this new step.

Change: The default hotkey for the app is now "Ctrl + ` (Grave)" instead of "Ctrl + ` (Tilde)", because "`" is actually the grave symbol. Can't believe this went unreported for so long! :)

Change: The "Computer: Show the ruler" and "Computer: Show work overview for" steps have been renamed to "Toolbox: Show the ruler" and "Toolbox: Show work overview for". Your actions will auto-convert with this version.

Change: The "Automation" tab has been moved to near the end of the panel to just before the "Log" tab (which itself is used by automated action steps). Sorry if this breaks your muscle memory. :(

Change: All references to "UWPApp:" in your actions and PC states now just use "App:" instead, and your actions and PC states will auto-convert to this when you first run this Toolbox version.

Change: When recording a macro, you now press the Ctrl key three times to stop recording, instead of pressing Scroll Lock. This is due to some modern keyboards not having a Scroll Lock key.

Change: When playing back a macro, you now hold the Ctrl key down to stop the playback, instead of pressing Scroll Lock. This is due to some modern keyboards not having a Scroll Lock key.

Major new addition: Maps! This is like Win+V for the clipboard, but also includes recent apps, docs, and folders. The map list is used to remember where you've been and what you've done on your PC, to provide an easy way to get back to an item again. For example, copying clipboard text will store the text in the map list; and opening an app, doc, or folder will store their locations in the list for easy re-opening again after you've (accidentally?) closed them. For privacy, nothing in the map list is saved anywhere; it's just session-based data. You can stop the map from tracking your activity by clicking the 'Enable tracking' checkbox, and you can clear map items at any time by selecting them (or Ctrl+A for all) and pressing the Delete key. And yes, clipboard text that you've set NOT to be remembered (in Settings) will not be added to the map list. :)

Major enhancement: Actions can now be triggered when the clipboard contains partial text that you specify for that action. As an example: when using actions, you can now literally modify clipped text on the fly!

Major enhancement: The "Opening Window States" manager has been tweaked in two ways: (1) It now has a neater two-column display for better readability, and (2) It now has a Class Editor so that windows whose class changes with every launch can have the non-changing part of the class text specified, whioch means that the window can now always be matched.

Several enhancements to the desktop ruler: The desktop ruler now has larger text and larger pin/close buttons, for easier reading and access on large desktop resolutions. The text also dims when the ruler isn't activated. You can now move the ruler with the Shift+Arrow keys, to move in steps the size of a standard list in Win32 apps. Perfect for jumping from line to line in such a list! You can now also press the Home and End keys on it, to mark the start and end of its vertical position on the desktop, so pressing PageUp or PageDown will move the ruler up or down that distance.

Enhancement: New setting to show the time in the corner in either 12-hour (am/pm) or 24-hour format. Also, the default format is now 12-hour (am/pm) due to repeated feedback.

Enhancement: Macro recording has been optimized and will convert shifted first letters to capitals (so a macro recorded as "{shiftdown}h{shiftup}ello" becomes "Hello" instead).

Enhancement: "Show the desktop ruler" and "Show your work overview" in the "General" menu have been changed to "Toggle the desktop ruler" and "Toggle your work overview".

Enhancement: New setting for specifying the number of decimal places that the app uses for the Command Box and in automated action calculations (0-10, default is 2).

Enhancement: All the in-app child windows (such as "Settings" and "Window Zone Manager") no longer stay on top of other windows when you switch away from the app.

Enhancement: The Alt+LeftMouseButton setting for moving windows by dragging them anywhere now ignores maximized windows, and also checks that the mouse is over the window.

Enhancement: Changed the default action called "Computer: Toggle clipboard history" to show a self-closing splash message, instead of a message box to be dismissed.

Enhancement: The "Alert: Show a splash message" auto-timeout is now just one second for one line of text (the old default of two felt just a little bit too long).

Enhancement: The "Computer: Show work overview for" step now supports "toggle" as a value, to hide or show the work overview window depending on its current state.

Enhancement: The "Computer: Wallpaper is" step now supports "image$" as a value, to use the assigned image for the wallpaper.

Enhancement: Much improved and far more accurate OCR detection of text in images/screenshots/snips.

Enhancement: The step called "Toolbox: Show the tab named" now supports "Map" as a value, to directly open AlomWare Toolbox to the new Map tab.

Addition: New default action called "Computer\Show the map list", which opens AlomWare Toolbox's window to the Map tab. The default hotkey for it is Shift+Ctrl+M, but you may have to change this if it's already in use.

Addition: New step called "Toolbox: Move the ruler", which moves the desktop ruler # pixels up or down if you specify the value as "-#" or "#"; or with a value of "custom" per what you set with the Home and End keys as mentioned above.

Addition: New step called "Window: Assign from under the mouse", which assigns the window that's currently under the mouse to be used by all 'Window' steps.

Maintenance release: Internal bug fixes and code optimisations, and updated the "Toolbox.sys" support file to have current data definitions.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

AlomWare Toolbox 2.00.01​

===== v2.00.01 (4 Feb 2024) =====

Bug fixes: For renaming actions, and creating new actions with existing names.

Change: This Change Log is now only available online for viewing at:
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Cosmetic bug fix: For setting typed triggers for actions (wouldn't show red for invalid when they should, and vice-versa).

Addition: Process killer buttons! Found under the "States" tab, you can set up to 15 buttons with a process name of your choice to kill those processes without reaching for the Task Manager.

Enhancement: Added "ApplicationFrameHost.exe" and "RunDLL32.exe" as protected process names that can't be killed with AlomWare Toolbox, as they're essential system processes used by the OS.

Enhancement: The "Window: Assign active" step now excludes the desktop and taskbar, as they could end up being moved or made invisible by mistake if an action was accidentally applied to them.

Maintenance release: Internal bug fixes and code optimisations. Updated the "Toolbox.sys" support file. Updates to the instruction manual.
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